Android vs iOS - Which Operating System Should You Choose?

June 10, 2022

Android vs iOS - Which Operating System Should You Choose?

When it comes to choosing an operating system for your touchscreen technology device, two major players come to mind: Android and iOS. Both operating systems have their pros and cons, which can make it difficult for users to decide which one to opt for. In this article, we will provide an unbiased comparison of Android vs iOS, and let you decide for yourself which one is the better option.

User Interface

One of the most noticeable differences between Android and iOS is their user interface. Android is highly customizable, and users can tweak their operating system according to their preferences. On the other hand, iOS has a more rigid interface, and users cannot make as many changes.


With Android, users can change their wallpaper, add widgets, change the layout of their app icons, and even install custom launchers. iOS allows users to change their wallpaper, but aside from that, there is not much customization. So, if you want complete control over your device's user interface, Android is the way to go.


On the flip side, iOS is known for its simplicity. It has a clean and organized interface, which makes it easy for users to navigate. Android, on the other hand, can be overwhelming for some users, due to its complexity and customization options.

App Store and Apps

When it comes to the app store and apps, both Android and iOS have a vast selection. However, there are some notable differences.

App Store

The Google Play Store (Android) has more apps available than the Apple App Store (iOS). In fact, as of Q2 2022, the Google Play Store has over 3.48 million apps, while the Apple App Store has 2.22 million apps [^1]. So, if having access to a large number of apps is essential to you, then Android should be your preferred choice.

App Quality

While Android has more apps than iOS, the quality of apps on iOS tends to be better. This is due to Apple's strict guidelines for app developers, which results in well-designed and optimized apps. On the other hand, with Android, there are some low-quality apps available on the Google Play Store.


Security is another important factor to consider when choosing an operating system. Both Android and iOS have their own security features.


Android has had a history of being more vulnerable to malware attacks than iOS [^2]. However, Google has taken proactive measures in recent years to mitigate these risks. Apple, on the other hand, has a closed system, which makes it harder for malware to infect iOS.


iOS devices receive regular updates, which include important security patches. This means that iOS is less prone to security issues and malware attacks, as compared to Android. On the other hand, due to fragmentation in the Android market, updates can take longer to reach all devices, which leaves some Android devices vulnerable.


Finally, the price of the device is a crucial factor to consider. Android devices are available at a lower price range than iOS devices, which can make them more accessible to budget-conscious users. However, iOS devices tend to have better resale value, which can offset the initial cost.


There is no clear winner when it comes to choosing an operating system. The choice between Android and iOS comes down to personal preferences and needs. If you want complete control over your device and a larger app selection, then Android is the better option. On the other hand, if you value simplicity and better app quality, then iOS should be your choice. Either way, both operating systems have their pros and cons.


  • [^1] "Number of apps available in leading app stores as of 2nd quarter 2022", Statista, accessed June 10, 2022.
  • [^2] "Android vs. iOS security: Which is better?", CSO, accessed June 10, 2022.

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